Freakin incoherent rantings...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Horror Screams

I think I seriously screwed up for statistics and Java commences today…




Hmm… It doesn’t matter now, does it? More postings when I’m finished with all these bullshit. Luv ya guys!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

*Bleah* Valentine should be shot!

Darn, I don’t even know that yesterday was supposed to be Valentine day till Sis shot me an exceptionally weird look musing

“Don’t even think that I will get you a rose! Anyway, the darn prefects get to keep their earnings…”

And with that, she stormed out of the house and off to school. I was stunned for a moment before giant heart like creatures flew by and wanked me back into earthly land and it suddenly hit me

“Shauks! Valentine???”

I spent the whole bloody V-day grousing in school all the way till 8pm glaring at charts. The lab was been crammed with moronic geeks weeping their little hearts out while slobbering over their work. You don’t normally see the lab this crammed at that period of time and you can guess…


Hopped off home at 8pm and on the way home, got in the way of 3 couples. They were forced to part their interlocking fingers to let me through


I’m a sucker sometimes, but no one can blame me, heeheeeheeeee

So ends the day and I finished my project work *yada yada* I was supposed to print the copies today but heard from Wee Long that he has taken the lead and has already finished printing out all the slides.


*Horrified Whisper*

Did I mention that I have edited quite a number of things including kicking in a few pictures. *Bleah* 41 slides leh? Hmmm… On a better note, I better shut up!

Ps. Oei, Cloudy, I was bullshitting about the 8 llamas and the Lin Jun Jie album. I mean seriously? You can’t have believe all that nonsense. ( I’m amazed by my ability to trash out so much nonsense sometimes, *tsk tsk* Another day =p)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Nonsensical Trash


Anyway, I and two other pals hopped by ChinaBlack on Friday right after I dismiss myself from school. I heard that it was some event organized by Republic Polytechnic. (Republic encouraged their students to club, which they think is good for their life *Blah blah*) Yea, I paid the exorbitant fee of $16 bucks (Hey!!! CLOUD, I heard from my RP friends that they bought theirs for $14 *evil look*) and me and the other girl, Qian Hui started scheming about how to get in.

We shouldn’t have bothered much anyway. I think the whole place consist of underage wide-eyed kids who managed to sneak themselves in with fake ids. Yea, anyway, I managed to get myself in with some Republic girl’s concession pass.

The rumors were confirmed after all, ChinaBlack’s security is so slack that a dead man could swagger in provided he could pay the club fees and that he didn’t reek too much of death.

SERIOUSLY, DO I REALLY LOOK THIS YOUNG? I mean, both Qian Hui and Cloud cloud insist that I look way too … to get through… *Bleah*

Anyway, the place was… Hmm… And it reek on smoke… =.= Did I mention? =D I always think that smokers should smoke more, but *ahem* not in the presence of non-smokers lah! I mean, it's just a matter of whether you die earlier or later of liver cancer. Shush, I mean, oh yea, I right ei? If you think I'm wrong, you are wrong.

We get a free drink as well. I didn't touch the alcohol. Apparently, I got my first taste of alcohol when I was 8. Yesh, 8… I caught dad opening a can of Beer after lunch one fateful day. And oh yea, I think it went something like this.

Anyway, dad was telling me that alcohol is not good for kids *blah blah* but I guess I got my way when I told him that a sip won’t hurt. Anyway, I just dunk down about what was left. (About half a can) The stuff didn’t taste too good, and there was a weird smell because yadda as you know kids prefer sweet stuff and dad was grinning and telling me that I wouldn’t like it.

I think I managed about half a can with dad gawping at me as I walked away feeling smug. The effects of the alcohol set down on me sooner than I thought. I started feeling queasy soon after and a little while after this, I puked out my lunch including the alcohol I had just dunk. =.= (I think everything occurred in 15 mins =.=)

I never touched that stuff much again. Now thinking of it, I think my parents are pretty smart creatures that always let us do whatever we want, plus the consequences. I ordered fruit punch =.= Don’t ask me why! *Sobz*

By coincidence, I met my ex-classmate Boon Yen there who told me Sam was there as well!!! But I guess the place was too crowded to find anything much anyway.

Aaaahh… About all… Don’t think the photos look too good. =p

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nothing much goes right =p

You know that when something goes wrong for you, many things can crash at any one point of time without warning? Crap, anyway, my third satchel broke!!! Aaaarrrggghhh!!! There goes my $$$... *Wimp wimp*

But then, for a good start, my laptop was finally repaired. The stinky F4 key fell of, so do my heart. Think my posts contains nonsense at the moment, but bear with me, yea… Things never go well these days *tsk tsk*

JAVA, *&#$%)_#!*%

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I lied, I love Java...

I think I’m going to make a post about Java every single day until the Java project is due for submission. I’m freaked out, freaked out and pretty much freaked out.

The guys told me to make baby steps such as to learn how to make the screen bigger for them and right now, I have only managed to achieve making my head bigger. I think it’s swollen now. *Ouch*

Ignore me, it’s just post submission PMS.



Yea, just ignore me.

=.= It's for the good of the population *chants* *chants* *chants*

Ok... I couldn't resist it afterall. Shut it, at least I sponsered him free hair. =D Yea, just post submission PMS. Ignore me.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm back!

*Ahem* Thought my blog was dead? Actually, I had pop all my recent posts down under drafts… Guess I just wasn’t in the mood to let out all these suppressed feelings of sorts, but then you get to read multiple posting now, don't you? Anyway...


*Hur Hur* =D